Page Count: 40
Word Count: 16,800
Available In: E-Book

Un-Dieting Liberty: The 28 Day Plan to Lose Weight and Feel Great

By Jackie Johnson

This book isn’t just another healthy diet plan. Instead it’s about UN-Dieting – how to change just one habit a day, for the next 28 days, towards a healthy lifestyle that includes weight loss and weight control for life. Step-by-step, you will make one small change each day, replacing an old habit or diet plan that isn’t working for you or your health, to a new and better habit.

This healthy living change happens without counting points or calories, without having to search for odd or expensive supplements, without needing a gym membership and without anything you can’t find at your local grocery store, market or already on your food shelves.

It’s not your fault that you’ve struggled in the past, and that it’s come to this body you see in the mirror. It IS your fault if now you do nothing to help it on the journey to a healthy lifestyle.

It IS your fault if you do nothing to lose weight, hoping that when, inevitably, you develop the weight-related illnesses – diabetes, heart disease, stroke, and some forms of cancer – medical science will somehow ‘save’ you, and prevent you from a life that ends, too soon. It doesn’t have to be this way – your body and your life don’t need to be this way.